45th Annual

The 2024 Bakeapple Folk Festival is Coming Soon!

The events schedule for the 2024 Festival is now available.

Festival 2024 Events

Festival 2023 (Last Year)

Donations Welcome!

The Bakeapple Folk Festival is a major fundraiser for the Forteau Lions Club. Donations are welcome and sincerely appreciated!

You may donate by sending an e-transfer to : forteaulionsclub@outlook.com

Since its inception in 1980 the Bakeapple Folk Festival has a history of endurance. Each and every year, no matter what hurdles may arise, the show goes on — thanks to a team of dedicated volunteers and loyal sponsors.

From wind-flattened tents in the early years, through times of torrential rain and poor berry harvests, to the recent global pandemic... when August arrives in the Labrador Straits it's always Bakeapple Festival time!
